Wednesday, August 13, 2014

ODO 4962 miles

They say "you can't manage what you don't measure." But, I've realized that they reverse is also true, i.e. just because you measure it, that doesn't mean you can, or even intend to, manage it. I'm guessing there are terabytes of data (that's a 1 followed by 12 zeros) just sitting there, waiting for someone to take a peak and see if there is any truth about the underlying process available for use. If only the right analytics were applied, the truth would be set free. In the paradigm of data analytics, solar is a special case, a passive case. There is little about the underlying process that can be learned from the data, at least in a way that can result in any action. But, look at the pretty picture! How cool! That's a heat map of our solar energy production. Dark blue = dark outside = no/little power. Light blue = light outside = peak power. Do you remember the sudden summer storm on July 27, 2014? My solar panels felt it too. At a minimum, analytics can be fun and amusing.

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