Wednesday, July 23, 2014

ODO 4636 miles

Gamification. Is that even a real word? Wikipedia tells me it is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in non-game contexts to engage users in solving problems. I like that definition because it applies to the way Chevy has engages EV drivers to drive in a manner that reduces unnecessary acceleration and deceleration. How? See that little ball on the right. The goal is to keep it in the leaf target for as long as possible. When you do, a ring of spinning leaves verifies that you are doing a good job - a virtual pat on the back. Your reward? Maintaining a high miles per kWh ratio (similar to mpg). I have to say I wasn't much of a video game player so it doesn't work for me. But for my DH - boy, does it work on him. Chevy must know their target audience. According to a commentary posted on the Fuel Fix blog by a researcher at UC Davis (DH's alma mater), "carmakers are focusing their design on male preferences." Gamification may be one design decision with the male driver in mind.

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